Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Settelling in

Hello allllllll so I am settling in to my new house. It makes me laugh because this time last year I would not of been able to handle moving. I would of been beside myself in fear and anxiety. I would be having horrible separation anxiety..  Even though I am only a few streets away...I have a bit of anxiety because of the unknown, but its a 2/10 at best. It makes me realize how much I have grown as a person.  I am growing up. :-)

I went to my new hall tonight, and I love it... I know it will take a while to get used to it but I love it already. I can see myself being here for a long time. I am excited to go Sunday and meet more.

Well that's all I have to say for now..

Later gators.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

yesterday and today

Hello all. It's been a crazy couple of weeks hu? Well this weekend I am officially moving to a far of place.. About 15 min away from my house now.. But it will be a good move for me I think.

Yesterday was horrible. I was in a training session and I got an aura.. I looked at my trainer and said I can't continue I am getting a migraine.. And that my friends, was it. Got home went to bed.. Then my tongue went numb and I went to the walk in clinic.. But they sent me to the hospital. So I wait and wait and wait and wait and finally I was seen. Got some meds and slept it off. Thanks to all who gave me suggestions and told me not to worry... It worked out.. Still a bit sick today, but I will get over it.

Well gotta go and finish packing

Monday, May 9, 2011

long time no talk

Hey all.. Sorry for not writing (Katie brought that to my attention haha) Its just been super busy for the last couple of months. I changed programs so instead of taking massage therapy, I am now taking Personal Training at NAIT. I must say, I really enjoy the campus.. And the eye candy (haha) I also got a new job at Wested helping people rock climb... This is a dream job for me.. Its physical and I can help people and that's what I really want.

I want to share something with you all...(I promised myself I would when I got to this point in my life) Some know others may not... But I am ready to share it. I had terrible self esteem and self image for the past 2 years. I hated what I looked like, and I disliked (and did not really know) the person who I was. I went to see a councilor for the past 2 years and it has helped so much. The reason why I am sharing this is for the past 6 months I have been doing great.. Not just great sometimes  But waking up feeling happy, going to school happy, going to the gym feeling happy, heck even going to work happy..So last week I said goodbye to the councilor and it was the best feeling in the world. I did this for myself, and I give no one credit except for myself.... I did it!!! And to me, that means everything. I am not suggesting counseling is for everyone.. its not... But for me it worked.

Also something amazing happened this week as well.. I am now off ALL medications (I have always been on some type.. Diabetes medication, anti-anxiety meds ect) I took the medication to the pharmacy yesterday... and that was the best feeling in the world.. I think I  started to cry a little bit when I gave him the meds... haha.

I love my life now and would not change it (imperfections and all)

I have had a lot of support from friends (Some don't even know it) and I wanted to say thanks to you all for being my friends and here is to many more years to come.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

And here we go...

Let me start off my telling you what happend last week.. I hurt my knee.. Just streched the ligaments a bit.. Not so bad that I cannot walk.. But enough to limp around.. RICE and epson salt was what my trainer and the doctor orderd.. NO BIG DEAL.

Lets fast forward to yesterday.. I was getting off the bus to get to school and I fell off the bus and landed you guessed it right on my knee that hurt.. I thought I was going to die.. The pain was bad... Not ouch I fell on my patella it was holy hannah I broke something... I limped into the school and an ambulance was called and then happy drugs were inserted into me!! Got some x-rays and the doctor said it was a fracture.. Just a samll one not to big or to bad!!! I was relevied.

This injury got me thinking though... I sometimes take running and even using my legs forgranted. When I want a glass of water or lets say a nice cold glass of wine (haha) I can go and get it. I dont think about walking.. I just do it.

As many of you know I have a trainer. Nice guy but I give him a hard time.. I am really stubborn!! This got me thinking not to give him a hard time and listen to what he says. And not to take for granted that I can have a trainer and run.

Just a few thoughts on life

Peace out


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I am a runner

I am a runner.. And I have asthma.. It sucks!!! You cannot do what you want to do in a workout and sometimes  you cannot do a workout at all...Now I do not know about you but I have a very strong type A personality and to not be able to accomplish what I want to is the most annoying thing for me...I could dwell on the fact that I have asthma and it sucks or I could do my best and try. I choose to try because I do not want any regrets in life... I want to say I have done this... I start with a new trainer hopefully this week, as my old trainer went on vacation.. I am a little nervous because I met this person twice... But I am going to work hard with Rich (that's the trainers name) and hopefully be able to run a half-marathon before I have to run a half marathon... Well I need to study... Midterm today...

Peace out peeps